Small Ways to Save Big!

Your Source for Tips and Inspiration

Time for Back to School Shopping!

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday July 9, 2024

It's almost time for kids to head back to school! While many parents welcome the return of structure to their daily lives, they're not always so excited about the expenses that come with this season... school supplies, clothes, and registration can really add up. This month, we're pulling some back-to-school savings tips from our backpacks to keep your wallet out of detention....Read More

Think Before You Prime!

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Monday July 8, 2024

Next Tuesday marks the beginning of the two day consumer holiday known as Prime Day. Chances are you or someone in your family has purchased something during this massive sale. You may have even scored a truly deep discount that left you feeling a rush of satisfaction and pride, having saved so much money. But after that smiling box arrives and your new possession is put away, ask yourself a question: Would I have paid full price for that?...Read More

Debt-Free Love: Last Minute Valentine's Day Plans on a Budget

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday February 13, 2024

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! What is meant to be a sweet holiday that provides a time to tell the one you love how much they mean to you can easily become a stress fueled bank-buster. We’re here to remind you that its the thought (and love!) that counts. While romance is great, you don't want to add to your credit card debt or increase your spending. But if you get creative, you can go about saving money while still having a fantastic day you and your partner are sure to remember. Here’s a few ideas to get you started on keeping your budget intact while still showing how much you care....Read More

Unwrapping Savings: 5 Ways to Save Money on Last-Minute Christmas Preparations

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Monday December 18, 2023

Believe it or not, Christmas is just a week away! While this is the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be the most expensive. From gifts and decorations to food and travel expenses, it's easy to rack up a hefty amount of debt in the name of Christmas cheer. However, with some planning and smart choices, you can avoid overspending and save money while still preparing for a memorable holiday season....Read More

Do I Have to Talk to My Credit Counselor on the Phone?

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Thursday November 30, 2023

Celebrate Thanksgiving Joyfully While Keeping Your Wallet Intact

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Friday November 17, 2023

As Thanksgiving approaches, the excitement of reuniting with family and friends fills the air. However, it can also be a time when budgets are stretched to their limits, and debt looms on the horizon as the holiday season swings into full gear. Before you begin to panic, Family Credit Management is here to help you host a memorable Thanksgiving dinner while keeping your finances in check!...Read More

Boo on a Budget: Tips to Save Money this Halloween!

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday October 3, 2023

Does the crisp Autumn air make you think of witches' hats, ghoulish decor, and marathon movie nights featuring all things that go bump in the night? Want to have all the Halloween thrills without the spooky bills? Here are our top magical (money-saving) tricks....Read More

What is Inflation and Why Should it Matter to Me

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday June 28, 2023

What is it and why should it matter to me? What makes the value of a dollar? What can a dollar buy? To be honest, it depends. While our currency has remained the same for years (dollar bills, nickels, quarters, etc.), the “value” of that currency is constantly changing. It’s why you might hear your grandparents say they remember paying 5¢ to go see a movie, or why a brand new Ford might have only cost $2,000 in the 1950s....Read More

Have a Romantic Valentine's Day Without Breaking Your Piggy Bank's Heart

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Friday February 10, 2023

While Valentine's Day can be the most romantic of holidays, it can also be one of the most expensive. But you don't have to break the bank to celebrate your love. While romance is great, you don't want to add to your credit card debt or increase your spending....Read More

What Can and Can’t Debt Collectors Do?

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Monday August 29, 2022

Being hounded by debt collectors and living in fear of what they can do to you can significantly increase your stress level. Understanding how to protect yourself and what debt collectors can and cannot do can help alleviate some of your stress....Read More

This Valentine's Day, Cut the Cost But Not the Love

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Saturday February 12, 2022

When there's someone special in your life, celebrating Valentine's Day can be filled with romance and fun. While many romantic dates can cost a lot to pull off, this is totally unnecessary. The focus should be on you and your significant other enjoying time together. Here's some ideas for cutting costs, but not the love this Monday....Read More

How Your Finances Impact Your Mental Health

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Monday January 24, 2022

Money problems can create a heady mix of stress, anxiety and depression. Here's the ways the finances can affect your mental health and what you can do about it....Read More

The New Year: A Time of Reflection and Change

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday January 4, 2022

New Year marks a time of new beginnings. We look back at the past year, take stock of what we’ve accomplished, how we’ve lived and think about what we’d like to do differently going forward. While much of this reflection focuses on our relationships, work, and health (physical and mental), it’s also important to look at how we handled our finances in the past year and determine if we’re meeting our goals or not....Read More

Have a Happy Halloween Without Ghosting Your Budget

Posted By: Kim Connaughton | Sunday October 3, 2021

Halloween can be fun for the entire family but can really spook your budget! Our Director of Education and Community Outreach, Kim, LOVES Halloween and is here to provide some ideas enjoying the festivities without the scare to your wallet!!...Read More

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Opening New Credit Cards

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Thursday May 20, 2021

Are you considering opening a new credit card? For most people, the idea is both enticing and intimidating. On one hand, you can make larger purchases, accrue rewards, and make payments on outstanding debt. On the other hand, you're faced with fine print, interest rates, and fees that are often confusing. What should you do?...Read More

Budget Friendly Valentine's Plans in the Time of Covid

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday February 2, 2021

So you want to have a romantic Valentine's Day but due to the current pandemic and restrictions, you may not be able to head out to your favorite restaurant or vacation destination. In addition, you're probably on a tighter budget this year because of changes to your income such as a job loss, reduction of hours, or a pay cut. Even with these new realities, it's not impossible to have a budget-friendly (and fun!) Valentine's Day....Read More

Family Credit Covid-19 Update

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Monday March 16, 2020

We understand everyone is anxious about the COVID-19 crisis and the effects on our everyday lives. While your debt may not be at the top of your mind right now, we want our clients to know we are working hard to make sure you continue to receive the same level of attention you have come to expect from us. Hopefully, we can give you one less thing to worry about....Read More

How Serious Is Your Debt? Read This and Take Our Quiz!

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Thursday January 16, 2020

Most American adults have some form of debt, and we're digging ourselves in deeper every year. Per this 2018 CNBC article, the average adult carries around $38,000 in debt, not including their mortgage. That's an increase of about $1,000 over past years. Furthermore, fewer Americans can claim they have no debt at all, compared to the past....Read More

Should I Borrow from My 401(k)?

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday January 8, 2020

One of the things I love about a retirement account is that small contributions can add up to a nice amount over time. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t take long for that amount to grow larger than an emergency or other savings account. With that growth, comes the temptation to use that money for other costs. Today we’d like to take a minute or two to provide a couple points for you to consider before you withdraw or borrow money from your retirement account....Read More

It's New Years 2020: Time for Financial Resolutions!

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday December 31, 2019

Every year, 32% of Americans make resolutions intended to help improve their financial state. Around 80% of them have failed by February. What can you do to make 2020 the year your finances get on track-for good?...Read More

This Christmas Day, Reflect on Your Goals for the Coming Year

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday December 25, 2019

The holiday season is a time for food, family, and fun. It's also a time for deep introspection. Did you accomplish your goals this year? Were you happy? Are you in a better financial position than you were at this time last year? At Family Credit Management, our mission is to help your money work for you. Today, we reveal four questions to ask yourself this year to improve your financial future and ensure your money is working for you....Read More

Christmas... The Most Wonderful Budget Bomb of the Year

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday December 18, 2019

It is hard to believe, but Christmas is in one week! And while Christmas brings many good things, time with our family and celebrations, for too many people, it’s also a household budget bomb....Read More

Managing Debt: 3 Free Personal Finance Apps

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday December 11, 2019

Managing your personal finances can be overwhelming. Even more overwhelming can be finding the right tools to help. With multiple applications available for almost every need, it is hard to know where to start....Read More

How Can I Build Credit Without a Credit Card?

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday December 4, 2019

If you have a bad credit score or no credit score at all, now is the time to start building credit. But, if you don't have a credit card, how are you supposed to build credit?...Read More

Black Friday - To Shop or Not to Shop? That is the Question.

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday November 27, 2019

It’s that time of year again! You’re preparing for family and friends to join you and you eat a delicious meal and give thanks for all you have…. Right before racing out in the cold to snag midnight deals. How have we allowed this season of peace and light turn into shopping frenzy forced to buy expensive presents for everyone we know?...Read More

How to Help Your Spouse or Partner Take Control of Their Debt

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday November 20, 2019

When romance is in the air practical things, like finances, are usually not foremost in your mind. Unfortunately, if you’re married or your relationship is serious, not talking about finances, or more specifically debt, can create challenges ahead and may even lead to a rocky future....Read More

How to Save Money While Hosting an Amazing Thanksgiving Dinner

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday November 13, 2019

Thanksgiving is a great time to reconnect with family and friends. It's also a challenging time to stay on budget and avoid debt as the holiday season launches into full swing. Family Credit Management is here to help!...Read More

Impersonation Scams

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday October 30, 2019

You’ve worked hard for the money you’ve earned and saved. Unfortunately, there are people out there who would seek to take all that away from you. Read on for precautions you should take to keep your wallet safe....Read More

What Debts Should I Pay Off First?

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday October 23, 2019

Paying down your debt is the first step to financial freedom, but where should you start? What debt should you pay first? The answer to that question depends on several things....Read More

Save Money This Halloween

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Friday October 18, 2019

Halloween is coming up and you know what scares me? How much it now costs. Americans spend almost seven billion dollars on Halloween every year. That's a lot of money! So how can we save a little during this holiday?...Read More

Why You Should Follow Your Credit Score

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Wednesday September 25, 2019

Your credit score is a crucial number that affects your life now and in the future, in numerous ways. But, how? We'll break down what your credit score consists of, why it matters so much and how you can keep an eye on it....Read More

Using Common Sense to Avoid Scams and Fraud

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Monday August 5, 2019

The Scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz" wished for a brain. Fortunately, you already have one, and it is the best weapon in your arsenal against those attempting to defraud you! The informed consumer is least likely to become a victim....Read More

Talking to Your Kids About Money

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday July 9, 2019

Although it may feel unnecessary and even inappropriate to share your financial details with your kids, this is the time in their lives when they learn how money works: where it comes from, how it gets spent and what happens if it’s used unwisely. Talking to your kids about money is the best way to prepare them for the financial responsibilities they will face as adults....Read More

Am I Spending Too Much Money?

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Tuesday April 2, 2019

One of the most common questions we get is, “Am I spending too much money?” People always come to us with their rent, cable, car payments, groceries, insurance, all the things we all spend on, wondering “Is it the right amount or am I way off base?” Let's look at ways to determine if you're spending within your means and how it affects your present and your future....Read More

Introduction to Credit Counseling

Posted By: Family Credit Management | Monday March 11, 2019

Through credit counseling our knowledgeable, compassionate, certified credit counselors’ provide general financial advice, assistance with creating and maintaining a spending plan, credit report analysis, resources, and the Debt Management Plan to individuals and families in financial distress throughout the country....Read More

Ready to get started?

Our certified credit counselors are ready to help you take control of your debt and finances. Take the leap with us today.

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